LINK is an abbreviation of Literacy, Inclusion and Communication (german: Kommunikation).
The main goal of the LINK project is to support the implementation of literacy practices for children with different interests and skills. A professional development course and a weekly calender with literacy and communication tipps and ideas were developed, implemented and evaluated.
Early Childhood interventionists in inclusive settings
01.02.2018 – 31.01.2021 (extended to 30.04.2021)
Prof. Dr. Jens Boenisch
*The project is granted by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung as part of „Qualifizierung des pädagogischen Fachpersonals für inklusive Bildung“ (MQInkBi)
The goals of the LINK project are
Goal: to provide materials and content that really support the implementation
The LINK calender provides specific ideas of how to implement inclusive practices in elementary education with a strong focus on literacy and communication. The staff wanted to gain specific, concrete, and practical ideas that relate to their practice. Therefore, the ideas and examples in the calender and the supplementary materials provide specific guidance of how to arrage, adapt and implement literacy practices for children with different interests and skills. The course rund parallel to the implementation of the ideas and strategies from the calendar. This way, question, adaptations and experiences can be discussed to guide the way to the implementation of literacy activities for all children.